04 October 2008

Thurman's Cafe

Last night, Logan B and myself hopped into the Mouse and drove to Columbus. In C-Bus, we met up with Aaron R. Many a year I had wanted to experience THURMAN's Cafe and for one reason to test the claim. CLAIM: Best Burgers in Columbus! Series of events:
Loaded up in A-R's car, drove to other side of town, parked, examined sign in sheet decided 15 minute wait, I played Mrs. Pacman (was sweet at it), ate popcorn they had for the wait, read the city entertainment guide and discovered prostitution is basically legal and the city has many intersting folks ( see personal add where an experienced middle age woman offers full body massage, seeking regulars, and offers senior discount or Full-body massages by professional "hairy male") , by this time we decided we had been waiting far too long to discovered such things, and finally we were told we could sit at the bar and order and table would be ready shortly. AND THEN IT HAPPENED a STEEL crane lowered three plates flexing under their load, no that is serious business. Many minutes later the conclusion was drawn that Thurman's Cafe is great and worth multiple trips.

minor side note: while seated at the table Logan looks out the window to his left and freaks because he "sees" a man carry a conversation on with the car behind him via sunroof while driving. Truth is it was the reflection of the guy sitting at the bar in Thurman's.